Medical cannabis and recreational cannabis are legal in a lot of places. By a lot, I mean medical cannabis is legal in 37 States, four U.S. territories, and our nation’s capital Washington DC. This has led to more people trying medical cannabis than ever before. Sometimes, people try a little too much and find themselves over-intoxicated.
Cannabis is attracting a young adult crowd as well as a senior crowd. Many people who never thought they would be the type of individuals to use cannabis find themselves on the receiving end of its many medicinal benefits. They remember cannabis from back in the ’60s and ’70s. Cannabis today is very different than it was then. Today’s cannabis is cultivated with potency in mind. Growers use a multitude of different techniques to increase the potency of plants as well as growing with a genetic lineage that already has a high potency. This stronger cannabis leads to stronger cannabis products.
In the past, the average THC content of cannabis was said to range somewhere in about the 12% area. Today THC averages between 18 to 24%, with some strains of cannabis pushing THC levels of 30% or more! It’s not only the cannabis that’s potent; cannabis concentrates and cannabis-infused edibles can be extremely potent. The average cannabis concentrate, such as wax, crumble, or shatter, has a THC percentage of around 50% or more, with most coming in around 80% THC or higher.
This means a gram of cannabis concentrates that test at 80% THC is approximately 800 mg of THC. If someone were to consume the whole thing in some fashion, they could unknowingly become extremely intoxicated. A gram of cannabis concentrates could easily be added to homemade cannabis edibles. Someone unaware of the dosage or how it breaks down could find themselves or anyone they serve their edibles to overly intoxicated.
How Do People Get Too High?
For those with a high tolerance to cannabis, it might seem impossible to get too high. But it can and does happen. Typically, this occurs when people are consuming edibles or cannabis concentrates. Someone that has never done a dab before can easily become a victim to someone giving them a mega-dab, leading them into a spiraling dimension of over-intoxication. Some people find this funny, not realizing that it ruins what could have been a good experience for someone. A little goes a long way, especially when you’re new to cannabis. Don’t let anyone rush you or make you feel like you need to do more to keep up or prove yourself. Go at your own pace.
A common occurrence with the overconsumption of cannabis is consuming too much THC from cannabis-infused edibles. People will get a hold of 100 mg THC edible that is divided into ten portions. Each portion is 10 mg. They are advised to try one portion at a time and wait approximately 2 hours before consuming more. In this amount of time, they will discover the level of intoxication they receive from ingesting the 10 mg section of their edible. Sometimes 10 minutes seems like 2 hours. A person will not feel anything and think they need to take more. Or the edible tasted so good they just had to have another piece. This process repeats itself until all of a sudden, it all catches up at once.
The next thing you know people are hanging on to the clouds to keep from falling to the ground as they float around high on cloud nine. This can be a very uncomfortable experience. Over-intoxication from cannabis can lead to headaches, vomiting, and loss of motor function. You may think this is not possible, but I’ve seen it happen to people at festivals and private parties. I know that it can and does happen. The good news about someone who consumes too much cannabis is that they’re going to be okay. They just need a little time to come down. If you find yourself in this predicament or someone you know, there are some things you can do to help counteract a THC high effectively helping the intoxicated to come down faster.

Ways to Counteract A THC High
If you find yourself or someone you know in a situation where you or they have consumed too much cannabis, there are a few things you can do to help counteract the buzz. Probably, the absolute best way to help come down from too much THC is to sleep it off. Cannabis is responsible for an untold number of weed naps. It is notorious for relaxing people and creating a state of being often referred to as couch lock. This is when your body just won’t let you up off the couch. Couch-lock is described as being melted into the cushions and becoming part of the couch. Part of the couch, part of the crew! This is a great time for a nap. Usually, within an hour or two, you will begin to return to your normal self.
Another great option for helping to come down from consuming too much THC is to eat. Make sure you avoid mangoes as they are known to prolong the intoxicating effects of cannabis. Also, stay away from cannabis-infused edibles. The last thing you want to do is consume more weed accidentally. Munch on healthy, hydrating foods like fruits, salads, and other healthy options. A lot of times, people find eating helps to bring them down from a cannabis buzz. Generally, after munching out, people begin to feel sleepy and ready for that infamous weed nap.
If sleeping and eating don’t seem to be doing the trick, or if you think that you or someone else needs more help coming down from cannabis, you can always try giving them some more cannabis. That doesn’t mean giving them more edibles or THC. By giving them more cannabis, I mean giving them CBD. CBD is a cannabinoid, just like THC. The difference between the two is THC produces a buzz and CBD doesn’t. Research has shown CBD to be effective at counteracting the effects of THC. You could say it’s fighting fire with fire when you use cannabis to help you come down from cannabis.
Now you’re equipped with an understanding of how someone can become over-intoxicated from cannabis and how to help in that situation. If you consume a lot of cannabis or hang out with a crowd of people that do, it’s a good idea to keep a bottle of CBD tincture on hand. You never know when someone’s going to need a bud to help them come down from an intense cannabis high.
Disclaimer: The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained in this article is for informational purposes only. No material from this article is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.